MMBF5457 - Fairchild Jfet (SMT 2n5457)

AUD $1.70

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  • 78 Units in Stock


MMBF5457 - Fairchild Jfet (SMT 2n5457)

As the price of the now 'obsolete' 2n5457 raises, so do the number of fakes and consequentially trusted sources for this jfet have become scarce.
SMT versions of the 2n5457 (mmbf5457) are readily available though and you can make your own throughhole workalike 2n5457 with an SMT mmbf5457 and an adapter board! See the how-to videos below for more information.

Adapter Board Option
Add fabricated adapter pcb's to your order. These pcb's can be used with either the mmbfj201 (J201) or the mmbf5457 (2n5457). These boards are also smaller then the etched version.

PCB Layout For Etching

How to videos on the Jfet Adapter boards


Self Etched